Videos • 04/06/2013

Shopping Party

By: Sharon Mundia

It was around 2pm on a sunny Saturday afternoon and there I was at Wambui Mukenyi’s shopping party getting ready to take 1001 pictures for the blog. I took Binti out of her bag and took one picture only to realise that the settings were way off and the photo looked really washed out. I changed the settings, went back to my position to take a second photo and BAM, in comes the worst sorta message you could see flashing on your camera screen – ” Battery Low, Change Battery Pack” Bloody hell. 

Thank goodness for Nancie Mwai though! She took pictures of my outfits and even managed to somehow capture those 15 seconds when my camera was still working and I was busy trying to snap up photos of the event. Thanks for taking the pictures Nancie!

I decided to wear this skirt that I absolutely love (also seen here) and paired it with a simple mustard top. To bring out some of the green in the skirt, I wore a necklace with green details and went for a double belt technique to define my waist.

Hope your week is off to a good start!